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Fletchers can craft Bows and Arrows for Archers, using Wood and Feathers as materials. Because of the high demand for boards, Lumberjacking and Carpentry work well with Fletching. Due to the frequency of Champion Spawns and Random Dungeon Adventures, archers are very common and the demand for Arrows is frequent. Bows can also be crafted using the special woods produced from Lumberjacking

Crafting in the Britain Crafting Area will also have a chance to create Slayer Types weapons.


A Fletchers standard materials are boards harvested with Lumberjacking. Of those boards, there are different types which provide different bonuses and colors to crafted bows.

The skill levels a Fletcher requires to work with each type of board are:

Plain: 0.0
Oak: 100+
Ash: 100+
Yew: 100+
Bloodwood: 100+

Crafting with different wood types will give you a chance to add a damage modifier. The highest possible damage modifier for Yew wood is Might/Ruin. For Heartwood it is Force/Might and for Bloodwood and Frostwood is it Power/Vanquishing.

Recommended Training

0.0-40: Buy from NPC
40-60: Bows
60-80: Crossbows
80-100: Heavy Crossbows

See Also